webEthos Inc. - Logo webEthos Inc.
:: Fri Jul 26 2024
Internet Solutions For Today's Business
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Web Hosting
webEthos offers reliable, affordable and feature rich web hosting solutions.
We have a variety of both Windows and Unix based hosting packages to meet your needs.
Web Hosting Features:
Unix and Windows operating systems
Scripting: ASP, Cold Fusion, JSP, PHP, Perl
Databases: MS Access, SQL Server, MySql, Oracle
eCommerce: Shopping Cart, SSL Security, Credit Card Processing
Contact us for more information about our hosting solutions.*
Domain Name Search: Enter a domain name (ex: domain.com) in the box to the left and click 'Go'. A new window will appear with the results. Powered by easyDNS.
*Currently, hosting with webEthos is only available to clients of our development services.
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